32500 pictures later...
My German logistics have failed me. After freelancing for four years now I have accumulated quite a few photographs, all stored on my external hard drive. Here I have about 63 Gigabytes of images (roughly
I’ve been using programmes such as Picasa for a while now (but mostly for my personal stuff), but never to its fullest potential. A major problem is that many of my images have been shot in RAW format, one which is not properly read by Picasa...
Labels: Logitisics, Photography, Picasa
sounds all toooooooooo familiar!!!!
so what are we gonna do about it then...???????? lemme know if you come up with some brilllllliant idea!
im waiting . . ..
no ideas yet. started with sorting all my freelance stuff with picasa this afternoon and not too convinced.
Have the feeling that it is however the closest to a free picture management program available...
g'luck buddy...the benefits of hindsight huh!!!
Sheizen, you have been a bad little kraut! Ze disorganization of ze photos, ist nein gud, pflaume.
:P done half of them now...also need to start backing them onto DVD..in case hard drive melts..